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Showing posts from April, 2022

Rebellion On Airstrip One - Just Testing! - Archive Blog from January 2014

  19 Jan 2014 Rebellion On Airstrip One - Just Testing! US troops in top secret WW2 deployment to Cheltenham England - sshhh mum's the word   T he British government is allowing foreign governments to spy on the British population and to make the way clear for these activities to descend to even lower depths of perversity... Home Secretary Theresa May is proposing the Communications Data Bill.  Big Sister is watching us, how very 21st century that concept is what poor batty old Theresa May thinks she is doing, namely Ronald McDonald's right-hand girl and champion of  every woman's right to be a power-crazed lunatic, scuttling the ship of state on behalf of the IMF and Wall Street, the global grand larceny, the pauperisation of our population to feed the bloated bellies of the corporate monster. Politics in Britain (and for that matter most of the world) are no longer a matter of supporting pol