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Rebellion On Airstrip One - Just Testing! - Archive Blog from January 2014


19 Jan 2014

Rebellion On Airstrip One - Just Testing!

US Forces await secret train to Cheltenham
US troops in top secret WW2 deployment to Cheltenham England - sshhh mum's the word

 The British government is allowing foreign governments to spy on the British population and to make the way clear for these activities to descend to even lower depths of perversity... Home Secretary Theresa May is proposing the Communications Data Bill. 
Big Sister is watching us, how very 21st century that concept is what poor batty old Theresa May thinks she is doing, namely Ronald McDonald's right-hand girl and champion of  every woman's right to be a power-crazed lunatic, scuttling the ship of state on behalf of the IMF and Wall Street, the global grand larceny, the pauperisation of our population to feed the bloated bellies of the corporate monster.
Politics in Britain (and for that matter most of the world) are no longer a matter of supporting political parties, they are all carbon copies of each other anyway ... the whole parliamentary system is a form of street-walker's street theatre and a vacuous celebtocracy,  no - the real political struggle in Britain is more like being a member of a global Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. It is the upright and just populations against the unjust corporate criminals, corrupt officials and the outright gangsterism in high office we are witnessing every day both here and abroad.
Theresa May-Big Sister is Watching Us
The sham-government's new Bill widely known in Britain as the Snooper's Charter would allow corrupted public officials and their transatlantic counterparts to listen-in, collect and store every communication we make with anybody for any purpose anywhere in the world and trade this information to the highest bidder. Such personal information in our bit of the empire is collected and sent by GCHQ to the paranoid sociopaths that run the American National Security Agency (NSA) on behalf of  big business and their fully paid for political soap opera currently staring Barack Obama in the president role.
This is a world that has become recognisably unhinged to the vast majority of rational humanity. What we seem to be dealing with here are a distant race of alienated cyborgs who, having lost touch with any vestiges of conventional reality, now apparently think they are not part of humanity per se... and that is why they have to spy on us human beings 24/7.. because they are scared of us, terrified of consumer power or of democracy and so they are always trying to second guess us, steal a march on us and get ahead of us... in order to predict our behaviour and of course up their profit margins at the same time. Nice work if you can get it you might think?
According to twisted paranoid logic of the NSA the reason they have to know our every thought and action is not only all the usual 'national security' 'war on terror' blah, blah. blah old guff... but also to gain economic advantage for the US multinational corporations that are as everyone knows, the real American government behind all the smoke and mirrors and who are pulling strings in Greater Bilderbergia... or GB as it is also known.

But what about the British government listening post GCHQ in Cheltenham (not to be confused with the US government listening post at Menwith Hill, in Yorkshire -although there is no real difference) ...we know that GCHQ has been bankrolled by the NSA and coaxed... although to be fair bribed might be a better way of putting it... into taking part in domestic spying 'operations' with rather daft names like PRISM and Tempora that could only have been thought up by a resident of Disneyland or some other non-existent fantasy realm.

The US government has contributed at least £100m to the budget of the UK's GCHQ in the last three years in a bid to make sure the intelligence agency "pulls its weight", according to information revealed to the Guardian by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

This incidentally is not exactly a new experience for the GCHQ spooks, British intelligence has always been notoriously porous as the Cambridge Five amply demonstrated during the last Cold War before this one. Edward Snowden was preceded a decade earlier by our very own Katherine Gun a modern English heroine and a former translator at GCHQ.

As her Wikipedia entry points out:-

"In 2003, she became publicly known for leaking top-secret information to the press concerning illegal activities by the United States of America in their push for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Some of these activities include the U.S. NSA eavesdropping operation on countries tasked with passing a second United Nations resolution on the invasion of Iraq."
....(T)he case came to court on 25 February 2004. Within half an hour, the case was dropped because the prosecution declined to offer evidence. The reasons for the prosecution dropping the case are unclear. The day before the trial, Gun's defence team had asked the government for any records of advice about the legality of the war that it had received during the run-up to the war. A full trial might have exposed any such documents to public scrutiny as the defence were expected to argue that trying to stop an illegal act trumped Gun's obligations under the Official Secrets Act 1989."
Katherine Gun- The Archetypal English Heroine
The fact that British Nationals are today in the pay of a foreign regime to routinely spy upon other British nationals and pass sensitive data about them to a foreign power, not to mention strictly dodgy commercial interests... sort of suggests that whoever the British "government" actually represents it certainly is not us, the population of Great Britain. Indeed if we live in England we don't actually have anyone representing us at all (unlike the Scots, the Welsh and the Northern Irish who have their own parliament or national assemblies at least) -  this makes the sell-out all the more worrisome for the sons and daughters of Albion.

In effect this situation makes England an unconstitutional anarchy and a country (as opposed to a constituent of the United Kingdom or Great Britain) that really should be listed as a state with no government of its own and where no machinery of English national self governance is even in place.

So here we are looking a lot like George Orwell's Airstrip One being spied on by our fellow citizens to feed the gluttonous transatlanticism that impoverishes populations on both side of the Atlantic and all points of the compass as a matter of fact. Orwell called the overarching superstate Oceania, I call it Greater Bilderbergia, but it really doesn't matter what we call it, it goes by many names, acronyms and aliases, for the moment its called Theresa May or Big Sister, an anodyne cult of no-personality.
From an English perspective this is all bad enough, no government, no parliament, no representation, used as an airstrip by Greater Bilderbergia, a listening post by the NSA but nevertheless paying hand over fist to be occupied by aliens.
It's no life is it? We need to rekindle the various cultural archetypes to reassert English cultural heritage, the Herewards, the King Arthurs, the King Alfreds, the Queen Boudiccas and Queen Aethelflaeds of Mercia ...the pantheon of English mythology that gives England its nature and its identity as a place of progress by rebellion.

Imagined portrait of Boudicca
Boudicca - Anti-Imperialist Avenger and Feminist Role Model

Ripped Off England

It might help concentrate minds if people knew how we as British taxpayer fork out for the privilege of being snooped on by Big Sister and her American friends at GCHQ.  GCHQ’s individual budget isn’t public knowledge, but according to Chris Milnes running totals on the Gizmodo blog its funding comes from the Single Intelligence Account (SIA), which for 2012-13 is set at £2.1 billion. There’s also a £650 million government slush fund set up to counter cyber security. Given that, it’s easily believable that GCHQ was able to sling £80-odd million into its flagship snooping programme. Thanks to MI5 for the figures.

These numbers don't seem far off what was reported in the British tabloid paper The Daily Mail in 2012 which stated that:-

The Home Office estimates that the programme – under which internet providers will be paid to store hundreds of millions of pieces of data for up to two years – will cost £2billion over its first decade alone.
Beyond this point there will be annual running costs of £200million – or £380 a minute.
Even these figures, which are based on 2009 prices, could be an underestimate given the complexity of the project – and officials’ terrible record for estimating the price of IT schemes.

So, lets just recap here. England is a country with no democratic representation in its own right, it is administered by interests that lie outside the geographical boundaries of England whether they be in Edinburgh, Brussels or in Washington, the political suppression of English sovereignty is universal and all encompassing it seems.
The current unelected and un-mandated so-called British government was appointed by HRH the Queen after all versions (i.e.variations) of the current parliamentary political argument were rejected by the majority of English voters in the last UK general election in 2010 . No parliament, no representation, no influence and no democracy in England, but as the most populous region of the United Kingdom we pay dearly for our disenfranchised servitude.
Austerity Britain is an IMF construct born disproportionately by the population of England which forms 84% of the UK.

According to the Office for National Statistics the estimated populations of the four constituent countries of the UK in mid-2012 are 53.5 million people in England, 5.3 million in Scotland, 3.1 million in Wales and 1.8 million in Northern Ireland.
England has ten times the population of Scotland, but unlike its northern neighbour it has no parliament of its own, its laws are made by a fair proportion of people who don't live here, our hard earned taxes are used to line the pockets of US based corporations like Amazon, Google, Starbucks, McDonald's and so on while minute details of our private lives are mauled by avaricious cyborgs all across the globe, whose dirty paws comb through our private papers and whose crassness turns our collective stomachs and for whose paymasters we have nothing but utter contempt and loathing.
I really can't see how it will be possible for the diverse populations of England to continue to be treated like this. All sub-cultures are united by the blanket ambitions of Big Sister and her army of geeks on the public payroll at GCHQ to control and subdue us. In ideological terms the corporate opinion formers are losing the battle for hearts and minds I think.... now dissent is once again the order of the day in England.
Our privacy and civil rights are under threat from all the intrusive busy-bodies and night-clubbers that couldn't be trusted to look after a house plant-let alone all our personal business. Something needs to be done about this ...and soon! 
An English parliament would be a start, so let's sit back and see who declares themselves ineligible to sit in far the Tories , Labour and the Lib Dems have all counted themselves out, sounds promising doesn't it?
Whether Scotland votes for independence or the alternative devolution light this is not going away as an issue in England. Despite recent attempts by the improbably named United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) to hijack the campaign for an English parliament (or do they want a different sort of a UK parliament... who knows?) the movement is a broad one with supporters drawn from various strands of political opinion from right across a broad spectrum.
We must work to break the log-jam and liberate England from its state of supine suppression, the monarchy and the unelected global oligarchy that currently hold the keys to our as yet - rather uncertain futures.


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