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My Pet (Scape) Goat 20 October 2007 Archive Post

Archive Post "My Pet (Scape)Goat" Oct 2007

Sep 11, '08 6:47 PM

ENTRY 20 October 2007
My Pet (Scape)Goat-The Ghost President
Part 2 of the Political Obituary of George W Bush

The Story So Far.....

In my previous blog I critically examined the parameters of responsibility that attaches to the US president George W Bush following the Washington coup of 2001.
This is a subject that has attracted a lot of attention amongst commentators and forensic historians and has been a focus for the anti-war movement in America and their mantra of 'Bush Knew'.
How much Bush knew is open to speculation, but given his learning disability and penchant for taking time off work to have fun, there is a suggestion that the answer could very well be... not a lot.
For reasons outlined in my previous blog, Bush may not be intellectually capable of knowing a lot about anything that requires an enduring concentration span, there are serious reasons for making that assertion in the light of psychiatric and psychological assessments referenced in part1 of this blog.
Some readers might say that this 'political obituary' of George W Bush is premature whilst his presidential tenure continues. I would answer in fact that it is over six years late and that Bush was politically assassinated on 11 September 2001, since which time he has been a ghost president
There appears to be a body of evidence supporting the theory that at the time of the putsch Bush was faced with a choice which pretty well amounted to capitulation or annihilation.
From his continued presence at the White House it is obvious which choice he made.
So what is the evidence for a physical assassination attempt/threat in Sarasota, Florida in September 2001?
This story has been conveniently 'lost' in the mainline media, but that hasn't always been the case.
According to a timeline of events of 9/11 by Allan Wood and Paul Thompson (May 2003) a number of corporate media organs carried stories of strange goings on in Sarasota that day.
These reports were of course knocked out of the news by what happened next at the World Trade Center Buildings 1,2 and 7; the Pentagon and on Flight 93 before it apparently crashed at Shanksville Pa following an allegedly 'heroic' struggle between the passengers and the hijackers.
Bush awoke a little before 6:00 a.m. on September 11, pulled on shorts and an old T-shirt and laced up his running shoes. [CBS, 11/1/02] At 6:30 a.m., Bush, a reporter friend, and his Secret Service crew took a four-mile jog in the half-light of dawn around a nearby golf course. [Washington Post, 1/27/02 .
Nothing unusual there, Bush is a creature of habit and this is the way he copes with the pressures of the job. Bush's obsessional traits means that he can be relied upon to follow the same daily regime compulsively, it really matters to him more than the lives of millions ever did, it what keeps him minimally 'together'.
A story appeared in a local Florida newspaper, the 26 Sept. 2001 edition of the weekly 'Longboat Observer' in which there is a rumour of a foiled assassination attempt against Bush whilst he was on their patch.
At about the same time Bush was getting ready for his jog, a van carrying several Middle Eastern men pulled up to the Colony's guard station. The men said they were a television news crew with a scheduled "poolside" interview with the president. They asked for a certain Secret Service agent by name. The message was relayed to a Secret Service agent inside the resort, who hadn't heard of the agent mentioned or of plans for an interview. He told the men to contact the president's public relations office in Washington, DC, and had the van turned away. [Longboat Observer, 9/26/01]
Two days before this in Afghanistan Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of theNorthern Alliance, had been murdered by a similar ruse. Two North African men, posing as journalists from "Arabic News International," had been requesting an interview with Massoud since late August. Ahmad Jamsheed, Massoud's secretary, said that by the night of September 8, "they were so worried and excitable, they were begging us." An interview was arranged for the following day. As it began, a bomb hidden in the video camera exploded, killing the two journalists. Massoud was rushed by helicopter to a hospital in Tajikistan, but was pronounced dead on arrival (although his death was not acknowledged until September 15). [International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, 10/30/01, Newsday, 10/26/01]
Police and Secret Service personnel had been tipped off by a certain Zainlabdeen Omer that an attempt was being planned on Bush's life by someone known only as 'Ghandi' an ironic nom de plume and a unexpected Arab television crew did turn up at Bush's resort the Colony at Longboat Key seeking an interview with him.
Later on the morning of September 11, the Secret Service searched a Sarasota apartment looking for further corroboration of Zainlabdeen Omer's report of an assassination threat. Three Sudanese men were questioned for about ten hours. The Secret Service also raided a beauty supply store in Sarasota, whose owner, identified as "Hakim," told the agents that "Ghandi" was a member of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army (SPLA), a group fighting against the fundamentalist Muslim government in Sudan. [Hopsicker, 7/22/02]
The SPLA was established a CIA./ Mossad backed insurrectionist militia group in war torn Sudan.
Most objective commentators conclude that Bush knew of the attack on the WTC by the time his motorcade arrived at the Emma Booker elementary school in Sarasota to famously read 'My Pet Goat' to the young children there.
After his jog, Bush showered, then sat down for his daily intelligence briefing around 8 a.m. "The President's briefing appears to have included some reference to the heightened terrorist risk reported throughout the summer, but contained nothing specific, severe or imminent enough to necessitate a call to [National Security Advisor] Condoleezza Rice." [Telegraph, 12/16/01]
At 08.13 air traffic controllers were reporting the hijack of Flight 11- Bush's briefing ended at 08.20 and he said good-bye to the Colony's general manager. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] The first event on Bush's schedule was what is known as a "soft event" – a photo-op with children at Emma Booker Elementary School - promoting his proposed education bill. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/11/01] After spending about 20 minutes with the children, Bush was scheduled to give a short press conference at about 9:30. [White House, 9/7/01, Federal News Service, 9/10/01]
Accounts of when Bush's motorcade left for the school vary from 8:30 to 8:39. [8:30, Washington Post, 1/27/02, 8:35, Sarasota Magazine, 9/19/01, 8:39, Washington Times, 10/7/02] One account has the Bush party leave the Colony suite at 8:30 and drive away at 8:39. Whenever he left, the motorcade travelled quickly: The police shut down traffic in both directions, leaving roads deserted for Bush's long motorcade, which travelled at 40 mph, “running red lights with impunity."
If the bogus TV crew which had tried to 'interview' Bush had been planning to murder him it was not the last threat Bush faced on that fateful day.
When Bush is officially said to have been notified of the 9/11 attacks as he sat in that Florida classroom something eerily familiar was taking place around him, namely 'security stripping'. Bush was vulnerable and hardly protected at that school and for a long time afterwards on Airforce One as it zigzagged around the country while Bush was repeatedly warned not to return to Washington DC.
Allegations of security stripping will be familiar to those who have studied both the assassinations of John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King. In both cases it is alleged that the usual layers of security were stripped to the bare bone on the days they were killed. Bush's security on the ground at Sarasota and in the air on Air Force One which took off and flew for an more than an hour without a fighter escort appears to have been inexplicably compromised, given the events of 11 September 2001
According to Webster G Tarpley in his book '9/11 Synthetic Terror' Bush's flight on Airforce One code named 'Angel' indicates the real perpetrators of the 'synthetic terror' attack that happened on 9/11.
During a question and answer session in November 2007 Tarpley explains why this use of a top secret code word is so significant. Here is an extract of that interview:-
Q. Now, you have a section called ‘Angel is next.’ What do you mean by ‘Angel is next.’?
Tarpley: “Look, this is a forgotten clue of 9/11, which seems to me is the most important, because this is when the invisible government speaks. You may remember that at one point during the morning, 10:00 probably on 9/11, a death threat against Bush came into the Secret Service, saying, Angel is next. It essentially means, Air Force One will be shot down as the next step in these developments.
There’s no doubt that this telephone call took place, it was confirmed by Cheney indirectly, Condoleeza Rice very directly, many other Republicans directly, then later on it was denied. ‘Oh it was a confused or garbled message that came in.’
At the beginning it seemed to serve Bush, because it seemed to explain why he had gone from Florida to Louisiana to Nebraska. Why he had been running across the country, scurrying away, instead of taking up his position in Washington, but as time went on, that became less important, and what became more important was that with this little message, you are opening up the world of the secret government which otherwise hardly appears to the superficial observer.
‘Angel is next.’ Implies the top-secret codename or codeword for the Presidential aircraft, Air Force One. I go into intelligence agency reports, now let me just make a parenthesis, (9/11 didn’t occur in a vacuum, it occurs in a world in which there are others watching. Who’s watching? Well, Russia’s watching, Israel’s watching very much, the French are watching, there’s Germans, Japan…), what I found is 3 separate reports, one is the Réseau Voltaire which is obviously benefiting from leaks from French intelligence. The Réseau Voltaire version, which came out September 20th (or) 25th, says that the ‘Angel is next.’ phone call came complete with top secret codeword, across a variety of agencies, suggesting that the people that were behind the attacks were a powerful faction inside the US intelligence community and government in general.
And that secondly, they had the nuclear launch codes in their possession. This report goes on to say that the Bush team thought during most of the day, that they were the target of a military coup. And it was only somehow later in the day that the situation was recomposed. Now what would it mean”?



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